Study Aids & Barcharts

Calculus Methods Study Aid

Barcharts, Inc
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Calculus Methods Study Aid

Product Description

Support for this gateway course of mathematics is needed among most people heading through that gate to successful careers in science, engineering, and economics. Our math authors take great care to cover the core of what students need to know to succeed in a 6-page laminated guide that offers succinct, quick access answers for reference and study. QuickStudy math study guides have helped many students push through a difficult course and have helped others shine even brighter. This handy guide is great for exam reviews, regular weekly study, or reference in class.
6-page laminated guide includes:
Limits & Differentiation
Limits & Continuity
Differential Equations
Implicit Differentiation
Approximations & Differentials
Calculus of Functions of Two Variables
Interpretation of Integrals
Integration Formulas & Techniques
Power Series
Optimization Problems
Curve Sketching
Business & Economics
Exponential Models
Prerequisite Skills
Linear & Quadratic Functions
Exponential Functions & Logarithms
Trigonometric Functions
Geometric Formulas

Item Number 13231989