Study Aids & Barcharts

Chemistry Grade Booster Pack Study Aid

Barcharts, Inc
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Chemistry Grade Booster Pack Study Aid

Product Description

Item number 13515348

Chemistry Grade Booster Pack Study Aid
A winning combination of scientific proportions, the Chemistry Grade Booster Pack brings together an effective combination of study disciplines, guaranteeing better grades at a better price.
Titles include:
• Chemistry Laminated Study Guide - BarCharts' best-selling quick reference to chemistry has been updated and expanded in this new edition. Author Mark D. Jackson, Ph.D., a scientist and university chemistry professor revised all factual content and added an additional panel of information to this popular guide not only an essential companion for introductory chemistry courses but also a must-have refresher for students in higher-level courses.
• Periodic Table Advanced Laminated Study Guide - The ultimate reference tool and lab partner for any student of science, durably laminated, authored and designed to fit as much info as possible in this handy 6-page format. Separate property tables are broken out for the ease of locating trends while studying and working while other pages offer essential notes about the table's organization and history. Consistently, a best seller since it's first creation, the lamination means you will have it for life as well as survive through chem lab.
• Chem Lab Basics Laminated Study Guide - With the study of molecules and how they interact with one another, incorporating a scientific theory is important, but the lab is where the true excitement of chemistry lies. This 6-page laminated guide is intended to serve as a reminder and quick study review for all aspects of the chemistry lab, from safety to chemicals, to instruments, and safety again (first, last, and always!).
• Bonus FREE | Keys To College Success Reference Guide - The Keys To College Success Reference Guide is filled with tips and tricks on getting the most out of college life. We've got everything covered from study skills and managing time wisely, to money matters and finding a job.